Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Family is Moving

My brother and his family (his adorable wifey~a very dear friend to me, and their three boys) will be moving in two weeks. They are military so I knew they would be leaving before the summer came, but I had no idea they would be leaving so soon. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around them vanishing. I see them weekly, and now no more. How will I cope??? I prayed major last week for them to sell their house so my s-i-l would no longer have to keep it on the market, but I had no idea God would work so quickly. :) I guess the prayers of the righteous avail much?? (Just kidding.)

There is talk they may transfer to Alaska??? I guess I can live vicariously through them and book a flight, right? I will miss them so much. And this little guy better not forget his Aunt SesSes! The big boys won't fall out of love with me, I feel confident of that, but I'll be crushed if the little one does!
A picture says a thousand words and this is how I feel about the whole thing:

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Really!?! That's good and bad I guess. Does M need any help? I feel overwhelmed for her.